My Journey with Anxiety

My Journey with Anxiety

For me, anxiety often sits at the base of my sternum just beneath the crevice of my ribcage. It often flutters like a strange restlessness of a panicked butterfly I never intended to swallow. Like someone flipped a switch and started a strange buzz of 

Experiencing Thunder as a Teacher

Experiencing Thunder as a Teacher

I’ve really felt pulled recently, as you may start to notice on our website and social media, to share more of the lessons I’ve learned from my personal healing journey. I know a lot of people online share their unsolicited opinions and suggestions for a 

How Can We Stay Well During Difficult Times

How Can We Stay Well During Difficult Times

Sometimes, in times like these, it almost doesn’t feel real what’s happening around you and around the world. Even for me being in one of the recent hot spot cities of San Antonio, but, it is real. People are getting sick and dying nearly every 

My Personal Thoughts During Self-Isolation

My Personal Thoughts During Self-Isolation

COVID-19 has completely shaken our society and normal way of living and for many, it’s presented challenges financially and socially. My heart breaks for the thousands of people who have lost their jobs just in our city, not to mention worldwide. Something as easy as